Monday, March 02, 2009

well, my day today was quite nice until like my mom told me the bad news...
curious about whats the bad news about???
so before i start, let me just say what i did today

got up very very early to drive out my car, sweat abit because i was feeling dizzy and hope that sweating can like cure it:P
but sadly didn't until i taken my bath:P

anyway left the house around 11..
went to 1u to buy some stuff
ate at wong kok at usual since we are like soo indecisive...

as usual iam always sitting at this number i wonder why...
took pics.. which is very very little..

some were in yong yong phone

left around 3 and jam my way to college,
have to like round the college 3 times to find a god damn parking lot..
was almost late for lecture...:P

freaking lecture was like soo boring..
didnt really know whats shes talking.. (not only happening to me)
but at least i catch what she was teaching:P
communication... aiyoyo...
the lecture ended almost 7...
and damn its raining outside...
just i thought my day wont get any worst,

while jamming my way home.. which i was just leaving the school..
my mom called me..
as usual i pick it up and she was like shouting to me...

me: "which thought i was in big trouble" says 11 like that... and actually asked why..
mom: do you know the maid ran away...
me: i was like so close to shouting WTF.... luckily i didnt wei.. if not i will be getting lecture from my mom..
mom: she took our money and stuff... and she even wrote us a letter..
me: burst out laughing...

when i got home.
the first thing i went to check was like my old notes..
luckily its still there...:P
then the second thing i do was...
check and read the letter...
wanna know its content???
wanna know?? curious???

funny right???
and she can actually say she 10 o'clock leave the house...
WTF rite???
even more stupid to tell us she's leaving what time....

and then my mom told me..
she steal almost 1k of our money...
which was withdrawn for angpau and we actually haven put it back to the bank
damn fuck wei...
plus my mom new RM 50 notes wei...
its damn alot there...
so let me see what she took some more...
almost 1K of the money....
2 handphones.. although its old..
my mom camera...
few gold i think...
and now dunno yet what she take somemore...

haih.. i somemore thought i can like come back to have dinner and a cold bath :(
sadly now i cant... and i actually have to be the maid now:P:(
now 9 o'clock, we have to report police, call the maid agency, cancel the transfer of money...
and i haven eat, haven bath, haven do my stuff yet...swt

anyway, i see what can get worst la:P
till then...

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