Tuesday, March 10, 2009

lets see... reach home around 6.30 after facing all the jam...
and now im blogging for no reason...

oh ya, i today too start going for tutorial classes...
atmosphere of foundation is still there(obviously)...
just that the friends around me and also the tutors are different...
miss those LOUD voices around me already :(:P
the ones who are reading, you guys should know who are you :P
i don't really like my class to be honest..
at first ...:P

going into a class with full of aliens is soo weird..
sorry i use the term alien.. just that most of them is really alienated to me:P
going there not knowing what to do and also what to expect..
but of cause i meet new friends... and i can say iam quite anti social when it comes to making new friends...:( :P
so i think i should be able to be comfortable with the new class and also classmate????
just that, i hardly speak English anymore nowadays:(
the only person i speak English to now is my mom... iiisshhhh...
anyway ciao.. tons of stuff to read:P
till then

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