Saturday, March 21, 2009

receive a call at 6 something from js saying they wanna play monopoly in my house
so ya they came and played..
reach here around 7 and the monopoly game started.
the so call js thought he can be as lucky as last time..
but poor boy went to jail 3 times
bought 2 houses which is quite quiet because hardly people drop by his house
when its time to come out from jail, the money he give to people money more than he receive.

see the poor boy sitting down....
he no mood to play liao...
hahaha... at least wei min give you the full set of colour to built your house

kah way.... was along...

wei min of cause also..
with taw wen and also issac...
the fellow with the most money is we imin
and the lowers was js

around 9, we went to williams for dinner...
the scary issac ordered 2 foods which is cheese nan and also hawaii bread...
the portion was quite big some more..
js and taw wen ordered the same food,
but when they just going to start for their second or third piece,
issac is already half way finishing the food..
the speed he eat is damn fast.
anyway, had fun yesterday nite..
laughing our ass out..
and still same situation, issac kena tease kao kao:P
but at least he dont have to walk home like wat we said.:P

oh and another thing.
sorry that the pic sux, its from my phone..
so this mean its time to change the phone:P

wake by my mom at 7 something so she can drag me to the market..
ish.. other people can sleep untill the sun shine to their butt...
so jealous:P
anyway gtg..
see i will update more later anot

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