Sunday, March 08, 2009

3 days post..:P


lets see... went to pyramid for hanyin birthday celebration...
reach there around 11.14 because they asked us to like be there at 11.30
but everyone reach half an hour late..
which is Malaysian people will always do:P
went carls junior to celebrate

took picture's while waiting

when everyone reached, the guys of cause went to buy their HAMBURGER:P
we girls didn't really eat because the portion is huge.. HUGE is the word..

the guys will always clump with the guys

where as for the girls will always clump with girls..
and when i finally starting to get bored,
i took picture of everyone

soon foon

yong yong

jonathan KHOO

haha.. wei min

wei jie


taw wen.. seriously a QUIET guy..
damn hard for me to communicate with him

and of cause me...
sad case steph n felicia pic is not here...
they went to buy cake:P

oh ya and the birthday girl..

the guys

we actually sang birthday song for her...
but seems weird.. feel like soooo icy cold when they sing it...

hanyin with her lovely smile

and we notice, tat Friday is not our day..
watever we do also like..
tak jadi one...
went to cinema to check out the time for the movie
its like 4 something.. so forget it...
went to red box,
FULL.. no room
never mind still...
went to bowling, all being booked...
so we waited for like 20 minutes before they tell us there is like place for us...

and me.. the worst among all:P 30 only:(
haih... may be the mood is not there???:P

oh ya,, before i forget...
yong yong was force to use wei jie sock...
haha.... because the fellow incharge notice that yong yong didnt wear any sock..
i was laughing my ass out when she actually wore it..:P
pity yong yong only.. her face was like... haha.... cant describe

soli yong yong:P
wet yumcha and leave pyramid around 4 sumtin..

went to do my maid stuff and all...
and they say the maid will arrive in one month plus..
with i think wont happen..
because, there is alway delays....

reach home to find this butterfly lying around
no matter what i do it still hangs around
went 1u blablabla..
and my aunt lost her phone...
thief these days are so fast at their action..
my aunt just use her phone 5 minutes ago before she notice it missing
stupid one la... summore she think its a malay fellow who stole it..
because a malay fellow was like so close to her
cant they like buy their own phone???
no money izzzit... iiiissshhhh
stupid fellow....
oh ya and i break my record.. of eating at ming tien for like 6 days a week...
iam soo sick of it already.....

sunday ..
just woke up not long...
do the ironing and i know how yong yong feel liao..
ironing no fun at all...:P
and so erm... whats the word... i dunno la:P
till then

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