Wednesday, March 04, 2009

hmmm... went to college around 8 something and reached there like 9 ...
saw uwei there too went i was paying for the parking ticket..
and of cause he came into my car since i was there alone and don't wanna go down yet...

thats what he do to my glasses...
funny right???:P
haha... damn funny

and we started to cam whore to..

i wanted to cam whore more..
but haih....:P
sit untill like sook foon giveme a ring to go for lecture:(

while walking to main campus, we were actually walking under tree's
which birds like to hang around and hang there somehow...
uwei and his big mouth saying what if we are the LUCKY one's
the shit somehow drop on us...

i was being optimistic saying it wont happen..
it only happen with the possibility of one in a million???
and it didn't happen of cause untill we walk untill a corner,
and a drop of shit fell infront of us..
speechless we quickly walk away from the tree's
and luckily we didnt walk fast by few 0.3sec???
thanks god wei...
uwei u n you big mouth a..
luckily it didnt fell on me:P

lecture was usual.. soo boring:P
and i just dont undetstand why is there soo much question from someone..

till then:P

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