Tuesday, March 31, 2009

i break my record for going library like almost everyday...
and and and.. it break my foundation record too..
in just few weeks i breakmy foundation record of almost 10 months...:P

look what me and and my friend get for our locker...

24 was me.. and the other is my friend...
how coincident..:P
ok iam getting wuliao already.

love is in the air...

shine by the sun... so nice le...
too bad la. i didn't get to see..
picture taken by foon.. not me:( :P
phone is the one who send me this picture...
anyway i love it....

due date for assignment is Monday...
i haven touch..
mistake for doing MCB first rather than management..
eeeewwwww...stupid la... ish...

anyway.. hehe.. got to go ...
need to go out buy something...:)
till then

Sunday, March 29, 2009

thunder these days really can give me a heart attack
luckily my heart is strong enough..
if not... hahaha.. choi choi choi...
and why these day it keep raining...
ish.. geram only la me...
wash my car but rain...
so rain= no use washing my car...

hohoho.. did alot of housework.. damn proud of myself...:P
js u stop saying i dont do housework a ... ish...
did MCB which end up giving me a headache...
i dont know how to do...
i need people example first..:P
and homework not done.. as in search for information:P
die lo... putting myself in the graveyard..:P
choi choi choi choi choi....

these days sooooo boring also la....
no one to chat liao..
everyone like so busy one lately.. haih..
even the one don't have assignment to do is also busy playing :( :P
i don't blame them.. haih... entertain myself with pet society lo...
my best entertainer:P
anyway got to go do my assignment again..
if not i will be chopping off my own head for losing that 15%:P
till then...
nite nite.. muacks...

Friday, March 27, 2009

well, life's getting much boring everyday...
is like nothing new... when only there will more interesting things will happen a ????
everyday wake up, prepare go to college, back home assignment...
every single day....:P
whining done...

when oldtown yesterday...
which is also the only day i have my breakfast
always order the oldtown white coffee and always end up with a stomach ache...
and also always complain to mei yee:P

the oldtown white coffee iam saying..

oh ya and my french toast:)
my always Thursday breakfast...
and i forget to take a picture of it..:P

mei yee on the other hand decide to try something new
kaya sticky rice...

and the outcome is

her sticky rice..
its just pulut rice with kaya....
we were laughing our ass out when we saw it..
hahahaha.... but she say it kind taste nice..
but.. ewwww.. not gonna eat that for breakfast..:P

YONG YONG, FE FE, miss oldtown anot a ????:P


today, went home straight after classes..
friday use to be the best.. because me and my class and like hang out together..
but now.. the sand is everywhere:(:P

summore online also no one teman one.. haih..:P
so bring myself to do the housework..

while watching the tv, there is this big thunder that cause the switch to jump
so left me in a terrible situation where i have to like sit in the dark playing my hp which is almost battery dead...
dont understand how can 2 clouds produce such loud sound.

and i was so scared that my tree will be a lighting pole....
the three is very tall... i was atthe second floor when i took this pic..
which also tells you that the tree is very tall..
i think the tree is there since iam born...
which also means the treee is older than me:P

and for my dinner, i had maggie mee for my dinner...
huh.. not bad my mom let me have maggie mee for dinner:P
anyway gtg...
till then

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

haih... another day pass and i had to submit 2 more assignments up which i haven even started doing...
OMG la.. iam still slumbering around ..
ish... somebody motivate me??? *slap slap*
js also la.. ask him stuff don't want teach me...
choi also didn't choi me...:P

anyway, degree started not long and i went to the library even more than i did during foundation..:P
see how lazy i can get last time..:P
desperate time goes for desperate needs..
that's why i go to the library nowadays..
for information's and also references...

i hope week 6 faster ends...
and i haven read for my marketing small test..

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

haih... yes woke up and there goes my dream..
i notice i dream almost everyday lately..
is it a good thing o a bad thing???
i wonder.....

went to college as usual..
alone as usual because mei yee got up late...
surprisingly the traffic is good...
having 2 lecture in one day is not a good thing
because i tend to not pay attention during the second lecture..
but but but, this doesn't happen to me only..
some even fall asleep:P(you know who you are)
use to be a full lecture hall now become half full
i think u get my point

MCB is soo boring...
its like English?? and keeps talking bout plagiarism and also grammars..
not to say iam good an it but its boring...
so i end up doing this...

hahaha.... my distorted love shape....
a square shape love... unique right????:P
but still its my first time doing so not so bad la...

haih back to reality...
2 more assignment to be handle up in like 2 week
and i haven even draft about it yet..
iam sooo DEAD :(
gtg now..
and i haven iron the clothes :P
sure kena nag later :P
anyway gtg bye...
till then....

Monday, March 23, 2009

Sunday around 11 something, i got a call from shu shen...

shen: wanna go see hot air balloon.
me: when??? i wan i wan (jumping like a small kiddo)
shen: later.. i go and pick you up...
me: WHAT?? (sowing already) mom don let.. mom wan me to jaga rumah...
shen: huh ?? really a ??alone?
me: yup yup.. soli lo
shen: never mind la.. next time

wth... i cant go to see hot air balloon because i have to take care of the house
while she and my aunt went to shop
ish la... tao yan la..
never mind.. next time i go with other people..

pictures i took from my friends.. showing what i miss.... :(

i LOVE this picture most out of all...
i wanna go la....:(

up up and away...
imagine u sit on it.. how fun

and see what people do.. hahahaa......
but my friend told me the weather is damn terrible..
she almost died:P
so i better go when its only windy..:P
anyone wanna bring me go ???????:P


finished up my marketing assignment and pass it up....
i hate assignments..
hate them even more when it comes to referencing...
haih.. cant life be easier???:P
oh god..from just now untill now.. i haven make my bed...
better do it now so my mom wont nag me later again :P
till then la...
oh ya.. my small test coming up liao .. sob sob

Saturday, March 21, 2009

receive a call at 6 something from js saying they wanna play monopoly in my house
so ya they came and played..
reach here around 7 and the monopoly game started.
the so call js thought he can be as lucky as last time..
but poor boy went to jail 3 times
bought 2 houses which is quite quiet because hardly people drop by his house
when its time to come out from jail, the money he give to people money more than he receive.

see the poor boy sitting down....
he no mood to play liao...
hahaha... at least wei min give you the full set of colour to built your house

kah way.... was along...

wei min of cause also..
with taw wen and also issac...
the fellow with the most money is we imin
and the lowers was js

around 9, we went to williams for dinner...
the scary issac ordered 2 foods which is cheese nan and also hawaii bread...
the portion was quite big some more..
js and taw wen ordered the same food,
but when they just going to start for their second or third piece,
issac is already half way finishing the food..
the speed he eat is damn fast.
anyway, had fun yesterday nite..
laughing our ass out..
and still same situation, issac kena tease kao kao:P
but at least he dont have to walk home like wat we said.:P

oh and another thing.
sorry that the pic sux, its from my phone..
so this mean its time to change the phone:P

wake by my mom at 7 something so she can drag me to the market..
ish.. other people can sleep untill the sun shine to their butt...
so jealous:P
anyway gtg..
see i will update more later anot

Thursday, March 19, 2009

looking upon the sky where it's full of twinkling star these days makes me think back the times iam still a young kiddo.
don't really remember the last time looking up the sky full of stars.
may be its because of the rain and also the help of wind to blow away the dark clouds(i think)..:P

anyway back to the stars..
i still remember last time when i look at the stars,
a lot of imaginary stuff came into my mind..
silly ones actually...:P as you know, young girls will always think of fairy tales...
of cause it includes me.:P who doesn't???
which also include white horse, prince charming, castle and more..
but not only that, i also have imaginary stuff like alien, monster and also boggy men
but looking into the stars also makes me wanna fly... :)
imagine you can fly...wah chun a .... which will not happen for now...
ok emoing done...

today i practically daydream all the way while driving home..
haha..luckily nothing happen:P
assignment due next week and i still not done with it..
OMG iam procrastinating kao kao la....
and i have marketing quiz tomorrow and i haven study yet:P
iam sooo DEAD with the capital D...
so i think gonna study now...
till then

pic of the day.
does it look nice???
like something is shinning upon you...
makes me think of my grandmother:P
ok la.. gtg

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Tagged by: YONGI
DIRECTION: Once you've been tagged, you have to write a post with sixteen random things, habits or goals about you. At last, choose five people to be tagged, listing their names and why you chose them.
1. nowadays i sleep damn bloody early
2. i have lots of assignment to do and iam still slumbering
3. i must on9 everyday
4. iam addicted to pet society..
5. i know iam childish. almost everyone knows me say that

6. i miss the times we had during foundation
7. my class got no lame people around. so its hard for me to be myself:P
8.i love my timetable now although its 8 am in the morning
9. i do the dishes almost everyday
10. i like to stick out my tongue and almost everyone knows that:P
11. i hate some motor biker who thought that we driver must look after their safety.
12. i hope my this semester ends well
13. I need my bolster and also teddy bear every night.
14. i hate having to rinse my car everyday.
15. i need to go out desperately:P
16. I miss all my friends in monash. I do! =)
Tag:i dont think i wanna tag anyone....

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

lecture today is FAST and BORING..
i cant stand having MCB lecture...
the lecture is like the same for every single week.. sorry to say but its true
me, mei yee and also sook foon cant even stand the first half an hour to stay awake
may be because we are also tired...

but the funniest thing today was, we discover mei yee is a mosquito queen...
as you people know, lecture is held in the main campus
so the lazy us or me wont want to go to tbs to even hang o chill..
so terpaksa la to stay at main campus...
since main campus don't have place like M floor, we went to their garden where there is like chairs and also table to sit.
wow.. i tell you, the amount of mosquito there is alot.. and ALOT i mean...
the momment we sat down, not even 5 minute, mei yee already killed 2 mosquito....
now can you imagine the amount of mosquito iam saying about?
still the same us, we laugh crap and also hot our ass out there untill its time to go in.

js u owe me a starbucks ah dont forget...:P
so now continue with my marketing..
till then...
so hard to know my classmate...ish:P

Monday, March 16, 2009

woohoo class ended at 10 but hang around college untill 2 to take my account book..
sorry mei yee.. mafan u liao :P
today was super tired.. i wish i know why..:P
went home and sleep untill like 6 something..
OMG really turn into a pig already like you say
but luckily is a cute pig:P okok i wuliao already...

anyway, watched marley and me that day with some friends...
the dog is soo adorable..
there is quite a number of species of dog that i adore and this is one of it...

soo cute right?? if im not mistaken its a Labrador(if i didnt spell it wrongly)... i think...
always mix it up with golden retriever... they look alike when their a puppy..

soo cute.. anyway, when watching this movie,
woman out there if watching this movie bring tissues along..
its quite sad at the ending and yes i did found tears in my eyes...

the comment i get before watching this movie is so not what i expected..
quite different actually..
overrall it was ok.. not that bad....

now, goin downstairs to help my mom with the cooking...
till then....
i wish my maid is here NOW(not to say i dai xiu jie)

Sunday, March 15, 2009

lets see, woke up at 7 today...
i KNOW, WOW right???
this is because my mom suggested to eat dimsum near my house yesterday night..
which is why i need to get up extra early..
that place there would be pack of people if u reach there at 8 something..
8 something.. people dont sleep these days izzit????
the food there is nice thats why.... i think ....

hehe.. ordered too much where we actually need to tapao it...
went to the bank and headed home..
where my mom suddenly shouted at me and ask if i brought the dimsum home..
which obviously i didn't...
drive all the way back there to take it..
where i left it in the bank :P

back home, start doing the chores...
started off with ironing... damn a lot clothes to iron..:( and most of it is my mom's..iisssshh:P
and let me stated down what i actually did today...
ironing as stated...
washing 2 cars which include mine and my mom's
help my mom to wash the porch after the cars are done...
and last but not least, cleaning up the dishes...
but at least i get few hours to play the computer...:P

and now... going to do my accounting tutorial:P
so good night... sweet dreams...
till then...

Saturday, March 14, 2009

69% fail my school life:P

tagged by the monkey j-tsen

[] Gotten detention.
[x] Gotten your phone taken away in class.
[x] Gotten suspended.
[x] Gotten caught chewing gum.
[ ] Gotten caught cheating on a test.


[x] Arrived late to class more than 5 times.
[x] Didn’t do homework over 5 times.
[x] Turned at least 3 projects in late.
[x] Missed school cause you felt like it.
[] Laughed so loud you got kicked out of class


[] Got your mom / dad etc. to get you out of school.
[x] Texted people during class.
[x] Passed notes.
[x] Threw stuff across the room.
[x] Laughed at the teacher.


[ ] Pulled down the Fire Alarm.
[x] Went on Myspace, Facebook, Xanga, etc. on the computer at school.
[x] Took Pictures during school hours.
[x] Called someone during School hours.
[x] Listened to an iPod , CD , etc... During class.


[ ] Threw something at the teacher
[ ]Went outside the classroom without permission.
[x] Broke the dress code.
[ ] Failed a class.
[x] Ate food during class


[x] Gotten a call from school.
[ ] Couldn’t go on a field trip cause you behaved badly.
[x] Didn’t take your stuff to school.
[ ] Gotten a detention and didn't go.
[ ] Stuck up your middle finger at a teacher when they were not looking.
[x] Cursed during class loud enough so the teacher could hear


[x] Faked your parents signature.
[x] Slept in class.
[ ] Cursed at a teacher to their face.
[x] Copied homework


while chatting with some friends, as usual asking them what are they doing..
one of them actually were comparing himself with famous people..
so i thought why not i play too...
so yes.. i did play and following are the match of me and my friends...
press for bigger view:P

hahaha.... so sad match a old fellow:P

wei min and his match



mel mel

mei yee.. the one and only one who look damn fierce for her match


yong yong

and me... from the eyes only...


and foon foon... soli for having to do for your friends too...

and last of all.. sorry taw wen yours cannot see.
and i don have your individual photo too...

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

ok, this post is gonna be all about complains...
so if you think its annoying, please don read..

well i think im getting older day by day..
which is also a fact ... i keep forgetting things these days... :S
today drive untill i reach the junction traffic light i only realize i forget to bring my phone
yesterday pula is drive untill the main road only i remember i forget to bring my notes...
terrible la me... some more these days petrol sooo CHEAP everyone is driving..(not to say iam complaining that the price drop)

forget about that,
another thing is the weather...
yesterday drove to college its raining,
today drive home also raining...heavily some more...
monsoon period already ma now???
iiishhh... myself and my books are like wet when i enter my driveway...

forget about the weather now...
another thing is my friends...
use to be a gang of 6-8 of us punya gang
now reamin 2-3 onli..
WTH... is like sooo BIG DIFFERENT...
went to have lunch today is like only me and foon..
untill a while onli taw wen and isaac join in...
sooo sad:P
i want my group back which is impossible...:P

anyway got to go now.. wanna bath a ...
till then

PS: *shout mode* I MISS YOU TOO STEPH... and i can hear you shouting although the phone is not near my ears:P

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

lets see... reach home around 6.30 after facing all the jam...
and now im blogging for no reason...

oh ya, i today too start going for tutorial classes...
atmosphere of foundation is still there(obviously)...
just that the friends around me and also the tutors are different...
miss those LOUD voices around me already :(:P
the ones who are reading, you guys should know who are you :P
i don't really like my class to be honest..
at first ...:P

going into a class with full of aliens is soo weird..
sorry i use the term alien.. just that most of them is really alienated to me:P
going there not knowing what to do and also what to expect..
but of cause i meet new friends... and i can say iam quite anti social when it comes to making new friends...:( :P
so i think i should be able to be comfortable with the new class and also classmate????
just that, i hardly speak English anymore nowadays:(
the only person i speak English to now is my mom... iiisshhhh...
anyway ciao.. tons of stuff to read:P
till then

Sunday, March 08, 2009

second post of the day
yong did a collage for me..
how sweet of her:P

i notice we take a lot of pictures

and i did one too for myself...
not that nice but acceptable:P

and i pormise to post a conversation we had earlier...
and yes iam uploading it now

.yong². says:yicks

....*#*+"MongChaCHa"+*#*... says:yicks?yucks u means?

yong². says:my new word la.hahah

....*#*+"MongChaCHa"+*#*... says:thn i yocks...haha

.yong². says:yer..lamer....YOCKS..ahahahaha

....*#*+"MongChaCHa"+*#*... says:haha

.yong². says:my blog will full of YICKS....ahahahaha

....*#*+"MongChaCHa"+*#*... says:haha...then my blog sure of yocks

.yong². says:u ar..mcc...yicks ...y yocks...cannot yacks?

....*#*+"MongChaCHa"+*#*... says:yocks nicer ma the sound...ok la....yecks

.yong². says:ahahahahahhahaa

....*#*+"MongChaCHa"+*#*... says:eh

.yong². says:yicks n yokcs better...lol

....*#*+"MongChaCHa"+*#*... says:yecks sound better wei....can la...yack, yock, yuck, yeck,yick....all the same k

this shows how lame we can be when we are like bored..:P
anyway gonna help my mom now..
till then

3 days post..:P


lets see... went to pyramid for hanyin birthday celebration...
reach there around 11.14 because they asked us to like be there at 11.30
but everyone reach half an hour late..
which is Malaysian people will always do:P
went carls junior to celebrate

took picture's while waiting

when everyone reached, the guys of cause went to buy their HAMBURGER:P
we girls didn't really eat because the portion is huge.. HUGE is the word..

the guys will always clump with the guys

where as for the girls will always clump with girls..
and when i finally starting to get bored,
i took picture of everyone

soon foon

yong yong

jonathan KHOO

haha.. wei min

wei jie


taw wen.. seriously a QUIET guy..
damn hard for me to communicate with him

and of cause me...
sad case steph n felicia pic is not here...
they went to buy cake:P

oh ya and the birthday girl..

the guys

we actually sang birthday song for her...
but seems weird.. feel like soooo icy cold when they sing it...

hanyin with her lovely smile

and we notice, tat Friday is not our day..
watever we do also like..
tak jadi one...
went to cinema to check out the time for the movie
its like 4 something.. so forget it...
went to red box,
FULL.. no room
never mind still...
went to bowling, all being booked...
so we waited for like 20 minutes before they tell us there is like place for us...

and me.. the worst among all:P 30 only:(
haih... may be the mood is not there???:P

oh ya,, before i forget...
yong yong was force to use wei jie sock...
haha.... because the fellow incharge notice that yong yong didnt wear any sock..
i was laughing my ass out when she actually wore it..:P
pity yong yong only.. her face was like... haha.... cant describe

soli yong yong:P
wet yumcha and leave pyramid around 4 sumtin..

went to do my maid stuff and all...
and they say the maid will arrive in one month plus..
with i think wont happen..
because, there is alway delays....

reach home to find this butterfly lying around
no matter what i do it still hangs around
went 1u blablabla..
and my aunt lost her phone...
thief these days are so fast at their action..
my aunt just use her phone 5 minutes ago before she notice it missing
stupid one la... summore she think its a malay fellow who stole it..
because a malay fellow was like so close to her
cant they like buy their own phone???
no money izzzit... iiiissshhhh
stupid fellow....
oh ya and i break my record.. of eating at ming tien for like 6 days a week...
iam soo sick of it already.....

sunday ..
just woke up not long...
do the ironing and i know how yong yong feel liao..
ironing no fun at all...:P
and so erm... whats the word... i dunno la:P
till then