raining days is never ending..
went to college around 7 something
and sit in my car untill 8 as usual waiting for M floor to open.
but unfortunately they used it as career fair thingy.. and i forgotten
oha i too spotted my dad initial name
yk wong... hahaha....
well, stone in E-Access for like 2 hours..
thought of playing pet society, but its under maintainance
so i entertain myself by reading peoples blog...
its been long since i read peoples blog..
and my friends are soo busy to update their blogs also
attend lecture at 10 untill 12 for accounting..
as usual laughing my ass off with steph...
then its lunch time...
went to a korean restaurant to try out...
9 of us excluding isaac who wanted to SAVE money....
me, steph, js, jon, mei yee, sook foon, wei min, kah way and also taw wen
all .3 gang.... i miss foundation...
the menu
i dont really understand
oh ya and their chopstick is soo hard to use
its soo thin....
hahahahahaa.... unintentionally or intentionally i forgotten
me jon steph ordered a big set n share
and another too did the same thing..
and the rest, called individually.
the food portion is BIG...
see the greedy pig...:P
our 12 side dishes???
includes kimchi, taugeh, brocoli, anchovies( if i spell right) and many more
12 of them in all...
another dish that they give.. i dont even know whats that
look at our table..
its FULL of side dishes or should i say small dishes....
and the best thing is, its free flow for the 12 side dishes...
jon keep asking the waiter to refill the anchovies and also the egg...
he love it. and the LALA also...
lunch time... pity issac didnt tag along:P
the place where they cooked the meat.
and the long cylinder thingy is to absorb the smoke coming out while cooking...
see how technology advance???:P
the meat...
taw wen and mei yee food
i forgotten whats this
jenn shyang food which he have to stuck it down his throat even though his full:P
pity him.
erm, wei min and kah way food
oh ya, i remembered, the chicken marinated in dunno what sauce
food order was weird, she ordered a bowl of mee,
but it turn out to be a bowl of rice, lucky for her it wasnt thats bad.
eat, talk , laugh, lame and also play around untill its like 2,
for your information, we started at 12 something...
and the outcome
tadah, look at our table..
look like eaten by a group of 20 then 9 right???
and the bill, was like 110 plus tax, not that bad huh??
i mean for me, steph, jon... is only 80++ 90...
others not included..
dunno why they split the billl
oh ya and a 5% student rate discount....
went to library to do the slides for friday presentation but..
haih failure, only did a bit then we have to head back to main campus... sad....
eyes were on and off during lecture...
not only me:P
so i dont fell sooo guilty after all...
i didnt get to online la...:(
anyway, time to study :(
till then
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