Friday, April 30, 2010

YEAH babe iam gonna watch iron man 2 tomorrow.. :)
sooo happy :)

Thursday, April 29, 2010

well in 7 weeks time iam having my finals which is very sucky because i haven really start studying :(
somehow i think i ust start already...
i keep forgetting iam not in unisa anymore where i can actually slack because i have frens to help me with studies :(
not to say i dont have friends. just not that close :(

anyway, YEAH!!!!!!
i finally got my internet after like 2 months ?????
getting stuff here is hard wei because i have no mom to rely on
here i have to do everything on my own :)

anyway, going to eat dinner now :) i hope its something nice:P


Monday, April 26, 2010

haih tell me again why am i here in aussie
and tell me why am i taking itnernatinal finance paper????

i hope i don fail in finals :(
gambateh :)

Saturday, April 17, 2010

that day while talking and complaining about
international finance(IF) and intro to finance(ITF)
we came up with the following

IF = I'm Fucked
ITF = I'm Totally Fucked

Friday, April 16, 2010

notice anything different about me??
dont say me fat already becuse iam not...
if u know me well enuf u will know whats the different in me..
give me the answer in the chat box..
people who know already shhhhh....:P

Sunday, April 11, 2010

tadah.. steph.. my phone :P

Emo post coming up.....

After coming to Australia about 2 months, i understand how much i miss Malaysia and how much i appreciate the time i have there...

In Australia i have nothing but just myself L i have friends no doubt but i don’t have my closes friends that i need.. L

i miss Malaysia alot now.. and my family... L

i wanna go back so badly everyday .. and what upset me most is when everytime i see aeroplanes flying.. makes me more desperate to go back Malaysia... L

i really salute those people who stayed in Australia for so long and not missing home.

Haih.. this is sooo annoying... AAaaaAAAAAaaaaa

I cant wait to go home....!!!!!!!

Wish me luck for my exam tomorrow :)

Thursday, April 08, 2010

I'm Screwed!!!!

Monday, April 05, 2010

FML la... really really FML d la....

how to study 16 chapters of taxation
5 chapters of finance
and 5 chapters of international finance
in one week for mid semester test????

really FML anot you tell me???:(
and iam here wasting time to blog:P hahaha.....

i miss MSIA :(